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Some of the most commonly used Sinhala dictionaries, translators and Sinhala Proofing tools in Microsoft Office

Some of the most commonly used Sinhala dictionaries, translators and Sinhala Proofing tools in Microsoft Office By Theekshana R & D in collaboration with LK Domain Registry Introduction Sinhala Unicode input and rendering tools on digital devices have matured for the last ten years, and presently, people seem to use Sinhala input infrastructure with ease….

සිංහල භාෂාව සඳහා විවිධ ආදාන ක්‍රම (දෙවන කොටස: Android උපාංග සඳහා ආදාන ක්‍රම)

සිංහල භාෂාව සඳහා විවිධ ආදාන ක්‍රම (දෙවන කොටස: Android උපාංග සඳහා ආදාන ක්‍රම) හර්ෂ විජයවර්ධන B.Sc. (Miami), CITP (UK), FBCS (UK) ලංකා වසම් අධිකාරියේ සහයෝගිත්වයෙන් හැදින්වීම ජංගම දුරකථන මෙවලම් සදහා සිංහල ආදාන ක්‍රම පිළිබඳව මෙම ලිපියෙන් සාකච්ඡා කර තිබේ. මේ සඳහා Android මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය සහිත Samsung Galaxy AO4s තෝරා ගෙන ඇත. 1) Samsung සිංහල යතුරුපුවරුව…

Different Input Methods for Sinhala (Part II: Input Methods for Android Devices)

Different Input Methods for Sinhala (Part II: Input Methods for Android and AppleDevices)Harsha Wijayawardhana B.Sc. (Miami), CITP (UK), FBCS (UK)In collaboration with LK Domain RegistryIntroduction In Part I, we covered Sinhala Input Methods for Desktop Devices. In our article on Input Methods in Part I, we covered from Wijesekera Keyboard to the latest Google Voice…

Different Input Methods for Sinhala (Part I)

Different Input Methods for Sinhala (Part I) Harsha Wijayawardhana B.Sc. (Miami), CITP (UK), FBCS(UK), COO/CTO of Theekshana in collaboration with LK Domain Registry Introduction Since the early 1980s, many have labored to develop Sinhala and Tamil input methods for inputting Sinhala to computers and digital devices. With the advent of Sinhala Unicode, CINTEC and ICTA…

Rendering Issues due to “ZWJ” in Sinhala Domain Names and Impact of IDNA 2003 and IDNA 2008 on Sinhala Domain Names Implementation

Rendering Issues due to “ZWJ” in Sinhala Domain Names and Impact of IDNA 2003 and IDNA 2008 on Sinhala Domain Names Implementation Harsha Wijayawardhana B.Sc. (Miami), CITP (UK), FBCS (UK) COO/CTO Theekshana, Chair, Local Language Working Group and  UA Local Initiative 1. Introduction Sinhala Script is classified under Abiguda Script and has evolved from Brahmi,…

Issues pertaining to rendering and resolving Labels with Conjunct Consonants, Rakaransaya and Yansaya forms in Sinhala Script

Issues pertaining to rendering and resolving Labels with Conjunct Consonants, Rakaransaya and Yansaya forms in Sinhala Script Harsha Wijayawardhana B.Sc. (Miami), CITP(UK), FBCS(UK) in collaboration with LK Domain Registry Chair LLWG and COO and CTO Theekshana   1) Introduction In 2010, Vint Cerf, who is considered one of the fathers of the Internet, unveiled two…